Leadership of a Project Team is a lot like Driving a Car

From time to time, you may be called upon to take the leadership role on a project. Whether you have done this before or not, there are a number of key factors that need to be considered. In my experience, these factors are very similar to the things you have to consider when driving a car.

leadership lessons from driving a car

Here are a few things you should consider:

Who’s in the drivers’ seat?

It takes a variety of skills and inputs to complete a project successfully. But just like you can only have one person behind the wheel of a car, one person needs to be clearly tasked with the leadership role on the project. This doesn’t have to be the person with final authority for the results, but it has to be the person who can make decisions and direct others as the project work moves forward.

Where are you heading?

A starting point for any good project effort is to identify the eventual goal, the destination. What do want to be true when the work has been completed? Spell this out as clearly as possible for everyone on the team. Each player can make better decisions if they have this awareness.

Do you have a particular route in mind?

leadership needs to develop a project plan, like a mapOnce a goal has been identified, it’s ideal to identify your preferred plan to achieve that destination. This is like your road map. Even a GPS tool that guides you step by step to a destination begins by identifying a preferred route.

I did an exercise with my team recently using a set of Legos. Any one person can build anything out of a pile of Legos. But if you want two people to work together to build one thing, it helps for there to be step-by-step instructions (preferably with pictures) to guide this process. I call this a Project Plan (See below for a simple template you can use to help with this step in your development). You should outline as much information as possible in this document. Don’t expect it to be perfect, but anything you can prepare in advance will help.

How will you pace yourself as you go along?

A variety of factors contribute to deciding how fast you can move toward your destination. On a road trip, things like road construction along your route, other vehicles, and car maintenance will control your pace. When you’re working with a team on a project, there are similar constraints:

  • Influences outside the organization like legal and cultural boundaries
  • Other projects going in inside your own organization that compete for resources
  • Skill capacity and other factors related to the individual players on your team

You should work to identify these in advance and monitor for changes in them as you go along. Sometimes people try to disregard one of these constraints and move faster than their project team can handle. This inevitably creates challenges down the road. Leadership should try to anticipate and prevent challenges by managing a healthy pace.

How’s it feel while you’re driving?

Earlier this year, I went on a road trip with a few co-workers. Whenever you have more than one person in the car, there will likely be a difference of opinion regarding how warm or cold we want it to be. I see this temperature choice as being very similar to team culture choices. Some teams commit to brutal honesty among the team and try not to let feelings get in the way of progress. When you don’t have a strong history of working together, or just because some prefer it that way, it’s helpful to take a more considerate tone in team dialogue.

leadership decisionsIf I like it cold and you like it hot, we have to find a compromise to ride together happily down the road. That compromise usually requires some level of sacrifice from both sides. But that compromise can’t begin until both of us discuss how we want things to feel. If you’re working on a team, whether you’re in the leadership role or not, take time to get people to talk out their preferences in this area.

How will you know when to go right or left?

Often on trips, my wife and I take turns driving. Whoever isn’t driving takes an equally important role – the Navigator. Someone needs to be looking at the project plan (you can’t always stay attuned to this when you’re driving) and making decisions regarding things that should happen next. This may be the person who has ultimate authority over the results or it may be a fellow player who has experience with similar projects.

The bottom line is that someone needs to be tasked with making project decisions as things move forward. This doesn’t always have to be the driver. But if you don’t have a plan in this area, you will find yourself stuck at a fork in the road.

What other areas have you found which are key to providing leadership to a project team?


Simple Project Plan Template

A few lessons in relationships

relationships braceletSometimes lessons come from the most surprising places. A simple craft project with my daughter recently sparked some thinking on some important components to building lasting relationships. I’m grateful for the relationships God has blessed me with and I want to work to keep them strong, just like this bracelet.


I was away for a weekend with my youngest at a Y Guides camping trip. While there, we each made “survival bracelets”, which are woven bands of parachute cord. I decided to wear mine for the next few days as a reminder of the sweet times she and I had while away. We don’t get to do that sort of thing a lot. I wanted the reminder of the refreshing time we had spent together.

But there was a problem. Multiple times per day, I would look down and discover that the last knot had come undone when I was not paying attention. I had to regularly re-tie it to keep the bracelet together. Each time, I pulled tighter, hoping this time it would stay. I blamed myself for not tying it off more tightly when we first made them.

Shared Experiences are the Knots

The more I thought about it, though, I started thinking that those knots are like the special moments I had with my daughter during our time away. And the strength of the bracelet is a lot like the strength of the relationship. When we do special things together, it adds an extra knot to the bracelet. When I get impatient with her, or find myself too busy to invest in our relationship, some of those knots can easily come untied. We have a responsibility to keep tying those knots with our kids and in all of our relationships.

When we spend time doing something with a friend, family member, or coworker, it creates bonds that strengthen our relationships. This could be enjoyable activities like family vacations, guys’ or girls’ nights out, or just volunteering together on a community project.war-photo

It also happens with difficult work projects or less enjoyable experiences. Both types draw us closer together and intertwine our lives. You may have heard the phrase “foxhole buddy” which refers to individuals who shared cramped spaces on the battlefield in war. This phrase referenced a depth of relationship that goes beyond the surface friendships common in society. Going to battle together bonds you.

By appreciating the time spent doing things together, whether enjoyable or painful, we can make sure that our relationships are strengthened.

Shared Values are the Backbone

As I looked at the bracelet though, I also identified that there is the blue strand, a double strand of cord that runs down the middle of the bracelet. The knots cover this part which provides a “backbone” to the bracelet. I feel like in our lives this is similar to the values we share.

I have shared lots of experiences with friends in my thirty plus years of life. The ones that I am closest to and the ones who I can be far from and still feel connected to are the ones who have similar values. We care about the same things and have committed our lives to living in accordance with them. A commitment to family, to serving God and the world He created, to doing things excellently. These are values that are important to me; I bond more easily with others who value the same things.

Side note: Shared Values at Work

The people I work with have plenty of shared experiences. Even when someone first comes on the team, there is a level of unity that exists because we are passionate about similar things. As a church, we want to see people who are far from God come into relationship with Him. We want to see people who feel alone and isolated in this world get added to Christian community. We want to help people discover the gifts God has placed inside of them. And we believe all of those gifts are wasted if they don’t get turned around in service to others.

People rarely come on our team if they don’t value these things. Or if they did, we didn’t do a very good job of exposing them to who we are in the interview process. Because working together in relationships will be challenging when there isn’t a backbone of agreement around these items.

“The stuff that matters in life is no longer stuff. It’s other people. It’s relationships.” – Brian Chesky

Let’s make our relationships strong through shared experiences. And let’s identify our shared values so that we can build around them as we walk forward together! I have a simple brainstorming worksheet that I have attached here to help you think about ways to strengthen relationships. Please feel free to download it if it would be helpful to you.

Considering Value in Managing Your Schedule

I feel like I can always squeeze one more thing in a trash bag. My wife and I even had a fight about that our first year of marriage. For me, it wasn’t full yet and therefore did not need to go out because I was sure could still squeeze in one more thing. We laugh about this years later! Many people, including me, adopt a similar approach to their personal schedule. But filling a schedule the way you feel a trash bag only makes sense if the items in your schedule have relatively little value. Squeezing one more minor errand in probably makes very little difference.

Things in your schedule may have more value though.

But how would you pack something that includes items of value, like your grandmother’s fine china? Very carefully. With cushion wrapped around it. With sufficient space given for every piece. Because these things are important!

I have learned over time that I can’t be creative in a 15 minute time segment. Creativity needs room to be done well! Sure, the idea may come in a moment. Fleshing that idea out to its fullest is better done like barbecue, low and slow. Low heat, plenty of time.

Next time you’re tempted to squeeze one more thing into your schedule, decide what’s important. What will get squeezed if you make that choice? Take time to decide what should wait and what should not. Treat your activities with a real consideration of what is valuable to you.

Running your schedule around meetings

One area I often attempt to squeeze things in is when I have a few extra minutes on the way to my next meeting with members of my team. Do you ever make this mistake? Instead of doing one more thing which will often make us late, what could we do with extra time if we get to the team meeting early? Here are a few options:

  • Connect relationally with people who are there before we have to jump into the business at hand.
  • Review the documents provided at the meeting to better acquaint ourselves with what is about to be covered.
  • Look over notes from previous meetings to identify any missed items or new insights that should be considered.
  • Look ahead to items later on the agenda to invest thought and prayer into how to do them more effectively.
  • If nothing else is available, we could take time to journal or read a personal development book.

What happens if we run in late because we decided to try to squeeze in one more thing before heading to this meeting?

  • Our team has to to wait on us OR to re-cover items that we missed if they decided to start on time.
  • We miss potentially important discussion.
  • Our mind is cluttered, rather than fresh.

Downloadable Resources

Think about what’s important to you. And then make sure you give appropriate room on your schedule for those things. How does your calendar reflect your values?

Here’s a tool I developed to help you evaluate your activities. Feel free to download and use if it helps you.

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  2. You Can’t Manage Time
  3. Put it in Park to Refill your Tank