Fixed Pie vs. Abundance

I work with a great team in an awesome organization. And one of the things you learn leading a team is that people are different. Okay, duh, you knew that already. But trying to lead a team forward on an initiative, especially a new or challenging one, will reveal lots of “differences” in people.  Here’s one example:

Don’t read any judgment into these writings ESPECIALLY if you work with me!

Fixed Pie Thinkers

You know the people I’m talking about. They are always thinking about how allocating resources to this new thing will affect their piece of the pie. Because the pie only has eight slices, so if her slice gets bigger, or if someone new comes in, I’m going to lose some. In ministry, we refer to these people as good “stewards”, because they are really good at managing on a budget and saying no to new things that come along because they don’t fit. When it comes to volunteers’ schedules or a leader’s attention span, there is a limit to how much you can navigate in a church. I contend this is also something you should consider when planning announcements. The more you talk about in a service or meeting, the less people will hear or remember.


On the other side, we have people who see “no limits”. There’s always more room at the table, money in the budget, and hours in the day. After all, who needs sleep? In ministry, we sometimes say these people walk in a greater measure of “faith” than the rest of us. While one area that is often considered a fixed pie is the resource pool of your church, I contend that God really does have more than enough finances and volunteers to do everything He is calling you to do. It may require greater vision and prayer or asking in ways that you aren’t used to asking, but there is more out there.

The truth?

They’re both right. The glass is both half full AND half empty.  So sit down right in the middle of that paradox and figure out how to navigate forward. You have to esteem both perspectives or you will only bring part of your team along. Both sides of the team will need to be on board to get the victory God has for you. Congratulations, leader; hard as it is, that’s why you are in your role.

Have you ever encountered this?

1 thought on Fixed Pie vs. Abundance

  1. Great insight Eric. I’m constantly more challenged by “both/and” thinking than I am “either/or” thinking.

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