Tips for Dealing with Confusion

strategies for dealing with confusionI was praying with a young man recently, who admitted that he was dealing with confusion about a number of things going on for himself and his family.

Boy, if I could count the number of times that I’ve been there. It’s the scratch your head kind of confusion that leaves you going in circles. I want to walk the plan the way God intended it, but it still seems like there are multiple choices and I’m unsure which way He wants me to go. Two significant seasons come to mind for me here:

  1. I was in college and really wanted to travel the career path God had for me. One strong marketplace option was on the table, but my heart was really feeling pulled toward ministry. I’m thinking, if I’m feeling pulled toward ministry, of course that must be God. But the other is a definite job offer, while ministry is a complete unknown. Hmmm…
  2. More recently, as I’ve moved into new levels of responsibility in my current organization, I’m finding there are rarely black or white decisions. It’s no longer as simple as: 2+2=4, therefore the wise choice is XYZ. I can’t think the problem toward a solution. It takes praying while making a decision, and then trusting God to guide your steps. Often, the proof that it was the right call may take months or even years to be confirmed.

Confusion Tips

Here’s what I’ve found as my strategy when I get in seasons of confusion like this, where I am lacking clarity:
  1. Recognize that God wants to make His purposes and direction clear in my life. Exodus 13 shares how God led the Israelites via a cloud by day and fire by night; every day they made a choice to move in a direction or stay put, based on His daily leading. I pray that I can follow Him that closely. James 1:5 tells us that God wants to give wisdom, all we have to do is ask. John 10 reminds us that God’s sheep will know His voice. I reflect on these Scriptures and pray over the areas I’m navigating.
  2. Brain dump. Sometimes the confusion is because I’m turning circles in my head. Whether it’s journaling or just downloading the projects and tasks to paper, moving the confusion out of my brain always has a way of generating clarity for me. I don’t try to organize as I write, but as I write, organization happens.
  3. Use peace as my guide. Isaiah 26:3 promises that “[He] will keep in perfect peace all who trust in [Him], all whose thoughts are fixed on [Him].” Once I’ve considered my alternatives, which one gives me a deep seated peace?
  4. Seek counsel. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us that receiving advice will help us succeed.
  5. Make a decision. Trusting God’s voice in my life and the wisdom He has placed inside of me through the Holy Spirit, the time comes to make a decision. Often, making the first decision acts as the first step to get me moving in the right direction.

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