Email spinning out of control? Try these tips!

Email can be a massive time drain on our schedules and it seems like the more we send, the more they come in! Here are a few tips to help you BUST through the wall of email that keeps you from focusing on other things:

B is for Batch, don’t Blend.

It is tempting to let email blend into everything else you’re doing during the day. This will make you less focused all day long. Instead, set aside 3-4 specific times for email each day. You should spend 20-30 minutes during this window of time. Focus on responding to as many as you can during that time. This will also keep you from reading something and putting it off. “I don’t have time to think on it right now…” just means it will be coming back later!

Try these tips for managing your email more effectively.

U is for Unsubscribe.

Everyone these days is building a mailing list. They are more than happy to add you to it whether you ask for it or not. If you haven’t shopped at that store or restaurant in six months or if you haven’t read that newsletter in a year, why are you even on the list? Take the time to unsubscribe. I recently read from an organizer who suggested to pick one list to unsubscribe from EVERY DAY. This will save your inbox and head space. You might even reduce their send costs if they are in a service that charges based on addresses. (PLUS you will help their open percentage by removing a non-open from their list!)

S is for the all important Subject line.

Email conversations begin on one topic and then turn down a side road. Sometimes this goes on for three or more messages including multiple people. If you see this happening, change the subject line before you reply. Make it easier on everyone to find this discussion in their inboxes. You also might get someone’s attention when they thought it was a conversation that no longer warranted their input.

T is for Timing yourself.

Use an actual timer. Set it for 20 or 30 minutes and when it goes off, STOP. Move on to something different. Come back when you can allocate another 20 or 30 minutes. The countdown clock will motivate your internal deadline chip and you will find yourself knocking out more emails in less time!

Have you identified any other email hacks? Please share below.

1 thought on Email spinning out of control? Try these tips!

  1. I am so grateful for this post. I have not been doing well with answering my emails lately. I have actually been approaching them with a sense of dread. I will implement these tips.

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